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Finance Committee Minutes 10/6/08
Finance Committee Meeting         October 6, 2008
Members Present:  Dan Moriarty, Michael Storch and Maryellen Brown

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as corrected.

At the previous meeting the Municipal Relief Act was discussed relative to account transfers requested by the Town Accountant, Barbara Gauthier. Maryellen Brown felt that the law had a “sunset” provision and was no longer in effect.  The issue was researched by Maryellen Brown and it was determined that this portion of Municipal Relief Act is still in effect and account to account transfers may be made by the Selectboard and then the Finance Committee.  The Finance Committee approved the transfers.

Michael Storch will not be able to attend the November meeting.  He also will not be able to make the March or April meetings.

Dan Moriarty and Michael Storch signed the Board of Appeals’ request for additional funds for a secretary for the board.

Dan Moriarty reported on the seminar on the Open Meeting Law and the Public Records Law.
Discussion on whether or not the Finance Committee should make a presentation on those two laws.   

Discussion on Capital outlay.  Dan M wanted the FinCom to become more involved in the capital purchases.   Maryellen B felt that the budget request forms provided the FinCom with the preliminary information on capital purchases and it was up the FinCom to follow up on any questions regarding a planned purchase.  

Discussion on Tree Warden position.  The members agreed to discuss this position at a later meeting

Meeting adjourned at 5:35
Submitted by Maryellen Brown